Acknowledgments, Licensing and Certification

License information

Unless otherwise stated, this code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License v 2.0 (MPL), a copy of which is included here for your convenience.
This code is also distributed under the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer, which can be found at the bottom of this page.


LibreHealth EHR - The LibreHealth EHR website:
LibreHealth Community Forum

Special Thanks

To all the contributers at for all the years of work they put in to their product which LibreHealth EHR is forked from.
To see all the contributers you can visit their acknowledgements page at
Thanks Folks!!!

LibreHealth is collaobrative community for free & open source software projects in Health IT, and is a member project of Software Freedom Conservancy.


Up and coming

List of Contributors

Contributor Contact
Bowen Medical Bowen Medical
2365 Springs Rd NE, Hickory, NC 28601
Emily Killian
Nikolai Vitsyn
Samuel T. Bowen, MD
Kevin Yeh
Lilly Systems & Solutions
Jim Lilly
Debbie Lilly
Jacob Harrison
Terry Hill
Medical Information Integration, LLC
Aron Racho
Jeremy Wallace
Ken Chapple
Tony McCormick
Dan Pflieger
Harley Tuck
Sara McCormick
Various MI2 Contractors
SunCoast Connection Inc.
Art Eaton
Bryan Lee
Lana Woods
2017 Google Summer of Code Students GSOC Students
Ujjwal Arora
Nilesh Prasad
Priyanshu Sinha

Healthcare Disclaimer

In the United States, or any other jurisdictions where they may apply, the following additional disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability are hereby incorporated into the terms and conditions of GPL:
  1. No warranties of any kind whatsoever are made as to the results that You will obtain from relying upon the covered code (or any information or content obtained by way of the covered code), including but not limited to compliance with privacy laws or regulations or clinical care industry standards and protocols. Use of the covered code is not a substitute for a health care provider's standard practice or professional judgment. Any decision with regard to the appropriateness of treatment, or the validity or reliability of information or content made available by the covered code, is the sole responsibility of the health care provider. Consequently, it is incumbent upon each health care provider to verify all medical history and treatment plans with each patient.
  2. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as permitted by the license, be liable to You for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other damages or losses, of any nature whatsoever (direct or otherwise) on account of or associated with the use or inability to use the covered content (including, without limitation, the use of information or content made available by the covered code, all documentation associated therewith, and the failure of the covered code to comply with privacy laws and regulations or clinical care industry standards and protocols), even if such party shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages.